Portorož, SI
temperature icon 9°C
Humidity 93 %
Wind 2 Km/h
Wind Gust: 0 Km/h

Nautical Advice: Radar Techniques for Safe Navigation.🧭

As the visibility is decreased and the sea becomes unpredictable, a radar transforms into a vital tool for ensuring your well-being. By mastering its advanced settings and techniques, you’ll have a more confident and worry-free experience at sea. Discover some essential tips to navigate safely in any weather conditions.🎛️

Regular Calibration: Regularly check and calibrate your radar, especially after periods of inactivity, to ensure accurate data.🔎

Adjust Scan Range: Set the scan range according to your chosen path. Use a shorter range (1-3 nautical miles) for narrow spaces and a longer range (up to 12+ nautical miles) for open waters.⚙️

Use EBL and VRM Functions: Utilize the Electronic Bearing Line (EBL) to determine the direction and the Variable Range Marker (VRM) to recognize the distances to the destinations or objects.↔️

Optimize Sensitivity and Filtering: Use filters to adjust the sensitivity and to reduce the noise from the sea and rain to enhance clarity of the view.🌧️

Utilize ARPA Function: If your radar supports ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid), use it to track moving objects and to predict potential collisions.🛥️

Regular Radar Analysis: Keep checking your environment using the good old analog ways & compare your observations to the radar showings to make sure it’s functioning properly.🤝

We believe that by reading our tips and using the radar properly, you’ll be able to spend a worriless rest of the season at sea. See you on the endless blue!💙