Portorož, SI
temperature icon 26°C
Humidity 71 %
Wind 3 Km/h
Wind Gust: 4 Km/h


Completely Renovated Superior Rooms at Marina Portorož

Modern Furnished Rooms at Superior rooms in Marina Portorož   We are delighted to present our completely renovated rooms at Marina Portoroz, combining comfort, practicality, and modern design. Our goal was to create a space where you feel at home while enjoying all the benefits of contemporary design.   Comfortable and Modern Rooms in Marina […]

Mercator Online delivers fresh groceries straight to your vessel!

Did you know that Mercator Online store delivers to 99% of addresses in Slovenia? You can choose from over 12,000 products and have your items delivered directly to your boat in Marina Portorož, allowing you to enjoy carefree summer days. For even more carefree days, they are giving you a 10% discount for purchases over […]

What kind of equipment do you need on your vessel?

#boat #plovilo #marina

To ensure the safety of all participants in maritime traffic, lawmakers regularly prepare and update the list of mandatory equipment that a vessel must have based on its length. If you are unsure about which pieces of equipment your vessel must have, visit our website to refresh your knowledge.💡   For optimal safety and regulatory […]

A guide for taking your first nautical steps safely, part 1: anchoring.⚓

Dear nautical enthusiasts and fans, greetings!👋 As we aim to spread the spirit of yachting among people and, at the same time, possess a wealth of knowledge from our experienced team in this field, we have decided to prepare a series of nautical tips to help beginners take their first steps into the wonderful blue […]

E-mobility in nautics

There is hardly a brand in the automotive industry that doesn’t offer at least one electric or hybrid version of its four-wheel drive concept. But what about electric and hybrid vehicles? Do all shipyards have at least one electric-powered representative or at least a hybrid offering? The answer is no. Shipyards, which in fact have […]

Is your battery ready for a new season? Be sure & check it out!

Naše strokovno podkovano osebje bo z veseljem preverilo, v kakšnem stanju je akumulator vašega plovila. Preizkus akumulatorjev do 135Ah opravijo za 36 € z DDV, pregled tistih nad to mejo pa za 46 € z DDV. To book a reservation, please contact us at servis@marinap.si or call us at +386-51-300-301